Quinto to El Burgo de EbroI repacked my tent in to the rucksack, rolled up the plastic sheet and put it in a side pocket to take with me. I soon came to a section where they had been working, putting in the big pipes and they had left no room to walk. I had to scramble as best as I could over the fill heaps at the side of the trench. I was very glad of my two sticks. Once past a big trench digger, I found the trench had been filled in and got on better. The railway was on my left and I tried to keep sight of it but there were few arrows and the track seemed to wander in almost all directions. Then at one point the path just seemed to stop leaving me in the middle of a field!!! I pushed through the canes on the left at the far end and from the field I now entered I walked across towards where I hoped the railway was. I came to another farm track and it seemed to be heading in the right direction. Sometime later I met the railway line and saw the familiar arrow. I came eventually to a deserted station and could not find the camino again! So I worked my way round the old building and walked onto the deserted platform. I took out my guidebook. According to the guidebook the camino should somewhere cross over the railway line! Ok, then I would walk by the side of the rail till I came to it. I jumped down off the platform. Struggling over rubbish, old sleepers and weeds for a while, there was defiantly no path. <
I did eventually come to a bridge over the railway line.
To my surprise on one concrete pillar a huge painted yellow arrow was pointing up the far side of the bridge ramp.
I was very happy to be back on track. My next camino arrow was at the bottom of the ramp but didn't tell me to cross the bridge and the railway here, but was now pointing to a farm track that ran parallel again. I was to cross later. The next town must have been Fuentes de Ebro but I have no photo and can't say I remember it much, except I needed water and food and here I found both. A fountain that worked was discovered in front of the town hall, and nearby a supermarket. Here, while I was chatting to the owner as I paid, I was given a nice juicy orange, "A little something to help you on your way" he smiled. I was very touched by this little gift and I was to remember him much later as I hugged the Santo at the end of my journey. 
I remember passing miles of pretty uninteresting farm country and the big factory of Saica. I came to a track junction where there was a considerable amount of roadwork in process. I walked on a bit more and decided to camp in a peach orchard on the left of the gravel track.
Unfortunately the fruit were not ripe. The opposite side of the road was a 6mt strip of weeds, then a canal! Under the peach trees I had soft grass and flat ground and some shelter, I could wash my pots and cooking things in river water, even wash my socks and hang them in the trees.
Mind you it was a devil of a job to get the water and not fall in. Also the long grass seeds that grew there drove me mad getting into my socks. I spent ages later pushing them through and pulling them out from the other side, it took ages. Miss one and it will dig into the skin and irritate for days, even after the culprit is removed. I cooked myself stew and ate it and did my washing and washed up. I retired to my tent to rest. I would sleep ok once the workers had gone home and I was not likely to be moved on I thought.
I text Maisie Maisie text back That's 26.3 kms Are your boots OK? No blisters this time?
I had not told her my feet had started to blister way back and I had been treating them before I came to bed. I had bad blisters on the ball of the foot, that was normal for me but a new one today on the heel was deep and painful! There was defiantly not enough room in this small tent, even turning over was a major drama! I thought while trying to fall asleep that I would get breakfast in the small town of El Burgo de Ebro in the morning, after all it was just a couple of kilometres further on.
I did eventually come to a bridge over the railway line.
I text Maisie Maisie text back That's 26.3 kms Are your boots OK? No blisters this time?
I had not told her my feet had started to blister way back and I had been treating them before I came to bed. I had bad blisters on the ball of the foot, that was normal for me but a new one today on the heel was deep and painful! There was defiantly not enough room in this small tent, even turning over was a major drama! I thought while trying to fall asleep that I would get breakfast in the small town of El Burgo de Ebro in the morning, after all it was just a couple of kilometres further on.
END DAY 7 = 26.2 Km's Total = 165.2 km's according to book